Monday, December 12, 2011

Elwood Tri

2nd Race for my beautiful wife. She what not happy that there was rain and more rain. On the day, there was more wind than rain but they still cancelled the swim and went for the run ride run profile.

It was a great day for cheering Amanda on since the transition area was compact and we could run from one area to another.

The gun went off and the girls were off and a cracking pace. We rang our cow bell and then ran to the swim entry into transition to see Amanda racing past some of the girls! Then Hugo and I ran to the Bike exit with lots of our own racing on the way.. Hugo won that one! :-)

Amanda looked good on the bike but the wind was strong. We went in hunt for a babycino and a coffee to wait at the bike entry with cow bell in hand. Then my little Hero needed to go to the toilet... let's go find a tree and then quickly back again... oops I think we missed Mum! Nevermind.

We run off to Transition Run Exit but we miss her again... Mum is sooo fast! Go Mum mum Go!

So off to the finishing chute! and we cheer her on with high fives and big hugs! Well done Amanda! Great work.