Monday, January 16, 2012

Brighton Tri and first long run on course

My Birthday Triathlon... We were both suppose to race this day but they changed the format. We had it all planned. Amanda would do the Active Feet and then I would do the Gatorade. This would work because one of us would be looking after our son Hugo and cheering the other on to greatness :-)
Alas, they changed the format, the both races were to be conducted at the same time. Nevermind, we will have lots of fun cheering Mum on and I can do a long run back from Mordi along the Ironman race path.
There had been no rain for a few days so the bay was relatively clean. The swim was open. First race with the swim and the waves were rough.Amanda was nervous so we stepped though our race prep. Take it easy to the first buoy and then start counting strokes to the last buoy then kick faster to get the blood down to the legs so she doesn't go dizzy when she stands up.
Bang! Easier said than done! She looked great in the water but a bit fast to start with. The waves were tough going but she pushed through, making us proud! Coming out of the water we had the cow belling going and cheering her as she stripped off the wetsuit and ran up the beach.
Transition was a fair way away so we missed her going out on the bike but camped on the side of the road to watch her flying past much faster than ever before! Good work!
We then ran to transition run exit and saw her take off like a rocket! Go Mum Mum Go!
She finished strong and learnt a lot about the technical differences in the swim and bike.

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